Our Process of Antique Furniture Restoration



While antique furniture is incredibly durable, over time and if not cared for properly, antique furniture restoration is needed for pieces of even the highest quality, so that they can regain functionality.

However, many antique dealers offer antique furniture solely for visual and collectable purposes instead of as furniture to be used as originally intended. 

Fortunately, as an antique retailer, we offer antique furniture that is not only valuable from a historical and visual standpoint but is also ready for use in your home.


Our antique furniture restoration generally involves four steps. 

First, we thoroughly clean the item so that we can accurately assess any repairs or restorations needed. 

Secondly, we carry out necessary restorations using reclaimed wood and materials in keeping with the piece. However, in the interest of the furniture’s antique identity, this is not something that we do liberally. Rather, we only perform these restorations when necessary for furniture functionality. 

Following repairs with reclaimed materials, we may dye the furniture surface if required, such as if the item has faded significantly through being in direct sunlight for too long. 

The final step in our restoration process is to wax or polish the item, depending on the wood type. For furniture with a natural wood finish, we use wax. And, for furniture with a lacquered finish (commonly seen with Edwardian, mahogany pieces), we use a gentle spray polish. The finish is a great start of the care and maintenance, protecting the wood from stains, moisture, discolouration and other damages. But generally, this coat will wear away over time and will expose the wood to surface damage. Click here to learn about caring for your antique piece.

Altogether, our process ensures that any piece you purchase from us will be fully functional and home ready. Your only job is caring for your antique furniture by taking simple steps to prevent future damage and waxing or polishing when the need arises! 

Antique Furniture Restoration


A lot of age-related damage comes from the environment and care the antique furniture has been through. The most frequent damage our expert restoration team come across are:

  • Scratches and marks to the surfaces
  • Faded and discoloured surfaces 
  • Loose joints
  • Uneven legs 
  • Snapped and broken features
  • Marquetry and beading loss 
  • Water damage stains
  • Damages to the structure
  • Woodworm


Our team have a high level of expertise and perform numerous antique furniture restoration processes from touch up refinishing’s to delicate repairs daily. Here’s some guidance on the most frequent restoring techniques that even you can do at home.

How to remove water stains from antique furniture

Water marks are one of the biggest stains on antique furniture.  The accidental water spillage, to the forgotten coaster for the teacup – each water contact leaving an obvious light white mark. The best solution to removing water stains is acting as soon as possible, but this isn’t always the case if it’s happened previously.

The sooner you tackle the water mark, the easier it is to remove, and better the results. To restore the antique furniture, you rub wire wool over the stain, then depending on what wood it is, use the correct stain mixture, rub into the affected area with a clean cloth and leave for a few hours. The next step is to rub and repeat until the water stain is gone. Patience is key with this one! 

How to treat woodworm in antique furniture 

Woodworm is one of the most common issues surrounding antique furniture. Damp and unprotected wood is at risk of a woodworm infestation, which can create severe damage and structurally weakens the piece. Small round holes and tunnels within the timber are signs that there is or has been a woodworm infestation.

These markings within the wood aren’t a tell-tale sign that the woodworm are alive and active, so looking out for fine powdery dust around the holes is a visible sign that the wood needs to be treated. Luckily, you don’t need to be an expert to treat woodworm infestations, you can buy a commercial liquid base substance and treat the affected area by injecting the holes and painting the surrounding surface.

How to restore holes, cracks and dents in antique furniture 

Age-related wear and tear are part of the authentic charm and character of some antique furniture, but a small crack, hole or dent can be off putting to some. So, an easy way to restore antique furniture surface wear is with good wood filler wax. You can effectively and efficiently repair small chips and gouges by pressing the warmed wax filler into the affected area, slightly overfilling, then smoothing over.

If you don’t feel confident enough to repair, the best practice is asking a professional. There are many antique furniture restoration techniques we would advise not trying at home, as you need the correct equipment, knowledge and materials.

When to ask the professionals

As opposed to buying new furniture, restoration processes like stripping and upholstery can revive a piece of furniture. Wear and tear doesn’t mean you need to replace a piece, we can bring old furniture back to life with a little patience and skill.

Dipping or stripping paint off an antique chest of drawers can bring its original beauty back and remove some stains or marks that were damaging the item’s aesthetic look. Along with upholstered items, an antique chair can be tired-looking due to its worn-out seat but getting it professionally reupholstered can bring back the elegance and attractive look it once had.   

The number one best piece of advice on antique furniture restoration is to prevent the issues by caring after the product, a little TLC goes a long way. If you’re uncomfortable doing it yourself, always ask a professional.

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